How Far Along: 15 weeks!
Size of the Baby: Navel Orange
Maternity Clothes: No, but I am using the rubber band trick on all of my pants and prefer to wear dresses or anything that doesn't hug my stomach.
Stretch marks: not yet, knock on wood.
Weight gain/loss: I lost about 6 pounds during the first trimester, so I'm still -2 :-(
Sleep: I can't get enough of it. I start asking Brandon around 7:30 if we can get in bed, and the answer is always, "Amira, it's still light outside." By 8:30, I can't resist for a single minute longer, and to bed I go.
Best Moment of the Week: Finding out what we're having! We did an elective ultrasound on Sunday, and found out what our little peanut will be! I've had so many people tell me since then, "Oh 15 weeks is still really early, don't be surprised if that changes." Which was kind of a bummer to hear, so we'll probably wait until our gender ultrasound scheduled in 3.5 weeks to confirm and announce.
Movement: Not that I've felt, but man does that little jelly bean move around in there during the ultrasounds.
Best Moment of the Week: Finding out what we're having! We did an elective ultrasound on Sunday, and found out what our little peanut will be! I've had so many people tell me since then, "Oh 15 weeks is still really early, don't be surprised if that changes." Which was kind of a bummer to hear, so we'll probably wait until our gender ultrasound scheduled in 3.5 weeks to confirm and announce.
Movement: Not that I've felt, but man does that little jelly bean move around in there during the ultrasounds.
Symptoms: Just tired...really, really tired :-) Which I won't complain about because it's so much better than the 24/7 nausea of the first trimester. I love being able to get out of bed in the morning without gagging, and crying.
Food Cravings: Anything and everything lately - I'm just thrilled to have an appetite!
Gender: :-)
Belly Button in or out: In
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I wait too long to eat, I feel queasy - so I'm constantly stuffing my face, haLabor Signs: nope
Wedding ring on or off: On, aww I hope I get to keep it on!
What I miss: Being able to have as much caffeine as I want -- specifically in the form of Diet Coke. It's always been a struggle for me to drink water.
What I am looking forward to: Actually looking pregnant, not just like I've sprouted a gut.
Nursery: Starting to look on pinterest for ideas
Emotions: I hope Brandon would agree, but I actually don't feel too emotional. I think I did enough crying in my first trimester to last our entire pregnancy. I do seem to get cranky a bit easier now...especially if I'm hungry.
Stupid things I have done: Lately, I can't remember anything! So I'm sure I've done some stupid things recently but they are escaping my mind at the moment.
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Peanut at 12 weeks 3 days |