Dear Peanut-
Lately your movements have changed from quick little jabs and kicks, to more of a rolling, pushing motion. I can tell you are getting bigger and don't have quite as much room to play. The other night while I was sitting on the couch I felt my whole stomach shift to the left, and when I put my hand on my stomach I could feel a hard body part - it felt like your head. This has really kicked my dreams into overdrive. I dream about you every night, and I am getting more and more excited to meet you. For some reason I feel so much closer to you and I can't wait to see you with your dad! I don't think he knows what's coming. There's just something about a little girl and her dad. You will think he is the funniest, bravest, most handsome man in the world (and you will be right).
My stomach is definitely growing right along with you. Every night I look for stretch marks - knock on wood - there are none yet. My feet and ankles are definitely fat and swollen! Last night your dad couldn't believe how puffy they were. He said my ankles might be the place I get stretch marks - hardy har, very funny.
Your room is really coming along! We picked out your glider a couple of days ago, and will be able to pick it up in a couple of weeks. I have a feeling that you and I are going to be spending a lot of time in it together. Your bedding is on your crib, your curtains are hung and a lot of your clothes are in your dresser. Now we just need to decorate the walls.
Also, you officially have a name. About three years ago, when your dad and I were just dating, we picked your name. We knew we both loved it but when I actually got pregnant we really wanted to make sure so we went through hundreds of options. Your dad hated them all. We could not agree on a single other name. So we decided this must be because your name was determined years ago :-)