I feel like lately we've had one Law School function after another to go to...(well at least 3 weekends in a row). And although I complain, it's actually always a great time - and Brandon and I get to go to places that we wouldn't have normally. A few weeks ago we had dinner at Hotel Del in Coronado for an NCLR (National Conference of Law Review) dinner. The food was amazing, the hotel was beautiful, and the speaker was Jack Ford (who I'm sure you've seen on MSNBC, FOX etc. a few times in your lifetime).

These 3 below make up the Managing Board of the Law Review (On the left is Dea - the Editor-in-Chief, Brandon - the Executive Editor, and Stephanie - the Managing Editor) They probably spend more time with my husband than I do!

The next weekend was Casino Night which is another event sponsored by Brandon's school. It was held at the San Diego Rowing Club - which is a beautiful venue right on Mission Bay. My friend Stephanie came with us because Brandon and I are determined to set her up with a great guy. Unfortunately, there weren't any great candidates at this particular event ;-) BUT we still had an amazing time!

Brandon had two dates :-) Myself & Steph.

Then finally, we had the Law Review Banquet brunch this past weekend at The Star of the Sea which is downtown in the harbor. The views from the restaurant were amazing - floor to ceiling windows overlooking the water. Everyone enjoyed mimosas, great good and an AWESOME speaker. Brandon, Dea & Stephanie have worked really, really hard this year to ensure that the journal ran smoothly (writing, editing, organizing, delegating) - so I'm sure they're about ready to pass on the torch to the incoming managing board :-)

Next stop: GRADUATION - May 21, 2011!
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