Stats: 17.7 pounds (73 percentile for weight), 26.5 inches long (73 percentile for height), and your head is 44.5 cm (93 percentile, gulp.) The doctor said you are healthy and strong! Still no teeth, but Dr. Wood said your bottom gums are puffy so I think they're on their way. Sleep: Knock on wood, you are still sleeping through the night. You go to bed somewhere between 6:30 and 7:30 pm. And you wake up somewhere between 4:30 - 6:00 am. Then you are awake for two hours before taking your first nap. Usually around 7:30 am. You still aren't a very good napper. I'm lucky if you sleep for an hour stretch during the day. Usually you take a couple 20-30 minute cat naps. You usually wake up in a really good mood so I don't mind most days! Food: You are a piglet who has yet to try a food you don't like! You're still nursing every two hours, and we have started to feed you veggies once a day. Avocados, Squash, Carrots, Green beans. You also loved peaches but after a few days you got your first diaper rash. I later read that some fruits can do that. So we're going to avoid them for awhile. You can read more about our food adventures here and here. Social: I love that when we meet mommy's friends for lunch, you can happily be passed from one person to another. You seem to love everyone you meet. Your new thing is to crinkle your nose, squint your eyes and show your gums when you smile. When I'm holding you and someone you don't know smiles at you or says hello, you've started to smile and then bury your face in my shoulder. It's almost like you're shy :-) Firsts:You took your first shower with your dad! It was really cute to see how curious you were about the water, and how relaxed you seemed to be.
You also went in the pool for the first time. You cried at first and were holding on to your dad for dear life, but once we put you in your floaty you relaxed right away. In fact, after a few minutes you looked like you were going to fall asleep! We took you out, wrapped you in a warm towel and put you in your stroller and you slept for an hour and a half while your dad and I soaked up the sun! Fun: You still love your exersaucer so much! Standing is your favorite activity. You love to babble and say "na na na", "ma ma ma", "num num num". I love hearing "mama" even if you have no clue what you are saying.
Milestones: You're sitting up! It seemed to happen over night. On the 4th of July you sat on a blanket in the sand for about 3 minutes. We thought it was a fluke, but you've pretty much been doing it ever since. I love watching you correct yourself when you start to tip over. Sometimes you get tired and slowly begin leaning forward(see pic below). Your little tripod stance is my favorite. I still don't trust your newly acquired skill enough to let you sit without watching you because you still face plant and tip over after a few minutes.
Oh my! What a little beauty you have on your hands!!!
Also, love your chevron chair! Is that her rocker? Too cute! I'm guessing you've been taking her monthly pictures in that... which is what I'm doing with my girl too. She's only 12 weeks so we're just getting started.
i love love love this. She is so sweet, sitting up! Wahoo! I love the shower pic, those rolls are so delicious.
Yay for sitting up like a big girl!! It's crazy to see how grown up looking they are once they start sitting.
She looks so adorable!
Tiffany Ima
Style Honestly
Awww she's going to love reading these when she's older. So stinkin' cute!! :)
Awww she's such a pretty little miss and you look like you are a natural Mama! Love this :)
She's beautiful!!!
She is such a little doll!!
Yay for sitting up! And I love that picture of her looking into the mirror!
Oh my goodness she's just too cute! I love seeing her grow.
Oh my gosh those eyes...she's adorable!
She has the prettiest eyes!
Oh my! What a little beauty you have on your hands!!!
Also, love your chevron chair! Is that her rocker? Too cute! I'm guessing you've been taking her monthly pictures in that... which is what I'm doing with my girl too. She's only 12 weeks so we're just getting started.
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