Sleep: You sleep in your crib from 7:00 pm - 6:00/6:30 am. You started this schedule at around 6.5 months and I am PRAYING you keep it! It's amazing how much differently I feel getting those two extra hours in the morning. You still take about 3 naps a day, but they always vary in length. Sometimes it's a two-hour nap, sometimes 25 minutes.

TEETH!! Your first two teefers broke through the skin about a week before you turned 7 months! On one hand it is SO exciting for me, and on the other hand slightly terrifying. We're still nursing and I've heard so many horror stories about biting. Yikes. It has also been really difficult watching you in pain. You are such a good-natured baby and it's clear that your gums have been hurting. We've given you Hyland Teething tablets which help a lot, and we've given you infant Tylenol a few nights when you've been at your worst and really struggling to sleep. It worked almost instantly and you were able to rest.
Walker: We've introduced you to your walker. You still don't realize that you are the one making it move, so it's certainly not intentional, but you do end up making your way across the whole house and into the kitchen. Your dad and I realize it's time to baby proof the house.
Also, You still aren't crawling, but have started to rock on your hands and knees. I see crawling in your near future...
She's growing up so fast!
oh Amira, she's a doll! ahh those little rolls. so cute. :)
She is an absolute doll! :) Oh my goodness...and she isn't too far apart from my son Jonah! :) I love your blog :)
Liam is way behind in the teeth department. All of the babies I know who are younger than him [by 2 months ish] he is the ONLY one without his first teeth. I guess this is good in the biting department. Hopefully she doesn't bite... Liam either!
She is so cute!!
Gosh she looks just like you! Honestly, this post was too much. I can't even explain what a wonderful mother you are and how perfect she is. I couldn't be happier.
she is sooo precious! and awesome that she is sleeping so good!
She is so precious!
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