When people ask how I'm feeling lately my honest answer is, "good, really good." And I almost seem surprised by my own reply. I guess I assumed I would be miserable this late in the game. I know I still have nine more weeks, and things can change over night, but for now I'm very grateful. Yes, my hands and feet and ankles are swollen, and yes my feet kill if I have to stand for more than 20 minutes. Yes, after I eat I feel so full I want to burst. Yes, I feel.so.tired.all.the.time. Yes, I wake up a million times a night to pee, and it takes me a good minute to wiggle, and manuever out of the bed. But I find myself happy anyway.
I do have to admit that I feel much better on the weekends when I am not confined to my work chair for EIGHT HOURS. My chair at work is quickly becoming a torture chamber. I used to be able to make it until noon before my back started to ache. Now it's more like 10 am. And I try and take breaks and walk around the building which feels like an instant relief on my back, but then my feet start to pound and they get even fatter. I'm wondering how this chair will feel six weeks from now? My plan is to work through the first week of January. If all goes to plan, January 4th will be my last day at work! Our due date is January 15th :-)

Quit before Christmas, girl!
you look great! & your due date is my birthday! :)
I sort of feel the same way. I'm a few weeks behind you but I'm starting to feel really great. Yes, there are constant aches and pains and lots to complain about, but somehow that doesn't really matter right now. You look fantastic!
Girl, you look precious as always! Also, it sounds like we have the same work routine which has me worried lol. I sit in a chair for 8 hours as well..yikes! I am thinking I will probably plan a "last day" as well just to relax before the baby comes. Are you going to stay at home or go back to work? That is my next hurdle I need to figure out...oh boy!
I admire your attitude!! And I'm pretty sure you take the cake for prettiest preggo :)
wow i didn't even realize you were preg! that's so freaking awesome! i am so excited for you guys. and let me just say, you are one cute pregnant lady. I'm so late in the game. do you know if it's a boy or girl?
you look fabulous :) so glad to hear a good report.
your very upbeat which is great! hope the last few weeks at work arent torture too much
You and my editor are due about the same time, and she is also having quite some difficulty sitting at her desk for eight hours!
You must be so excited for January! /Happy to hear that all is going well!
You look great! I hope I'm as cute as you when I'm pregnant :)
You're adorable, lady :) Glad you're feeling as good as you look! I just know I'm gonna look like a bloated Orka whale when I get preggers.
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