First: Your first "real" smile was on Valentine's day. You looked up at Grandma Leslie in the morning and gave her a huge smile. From then on, you have been a smiling machine. You have started to coo a lot too and it seems like you want to talk so badly :-)
Weight: You are close to ten pounds. Although you were born 9 pounds 13 ounces, the pediatrician thinks a lot of that was swelling from the long labor I had. Over the course of 12 hours mommy was given a lot of IVs and I was swollen for a couple of days too. 12 hours after you were born you weighed 9 pounds 2 ounces (so you lost 11 ounces over night). We think 9.2 is probably a more accurate birth weight.
Sleep - You have always been the best sleeper! You have started to do a six hour stretch at night. Usually I nurse you between 7:30 - 8:30 and then you sleep with your dad out on the couch and he lets mommy go sleep in bed for five blissful, uninterrupted hours. At around 1 or 2 am when you wake up, daddy changes you and brings you to mommy. I feed you and then we fall asleep until about 4 or 5 am when you wake up again. Sometimes I am up for the rest of the day after this, or sometimes I fall asleep with you around 7 am for an hour or two. We are going to try having you nap in your crib during the day when mommy can check on you often, and hopefully soon you'll sleep in your crib through the night.
Your dad loves to wear you around in the K-tan sling and it's your absolute favorite. It puts you to sleep every single time.
You still aren't a huge fan of taking baths, but you are crying less each time. Grandpa helped me bathe you last time and once he wrapped you in your towel you gave him your saddest face. That lip gets him every time!
Daddy and I have been watching Modern Family every single night and it's our new favorite show. It's been cold this week so we've been having a fire and cuddling with you. It's my favorite.
It's overwhelming to love someone so much. I love spending my days with you! This was the first week I have really started to feel like I'm getting the hang of this mommy thing. The first month was the most challenging four weeks of my life. Adjusting to this tiny person that needs me 24 hours out of the day has been unlike anything I've ever experienced. AND you're an amazing baby, I can't imagine how much more difficult it would be if you were cranky, or colicky. I have a whole new appreciation for moms, especially my own :-)

Awww Amira she is such a little cutie! Congrats to you! This post was just precious.
xoxo Miss ALK
Seriously, could you have made a cuter baby?? I don't think so!! She's the cutest little thing and her faces are amazing. I can't wait to read more about your journey and how she grows.
Oh my gosh, the post batch picture. So insanely cute.
The picture was grandpa holding her!?!? I think I died. So cute!
The picture was grandpa holding her!?!? I think I died. So cute!
This is just so heartwarming and adorable! Your daughter is a beautiful one :-)
oh my. seriously. she is the prettiest baby i have ever seen!
She is just precious...and that little pouty lip! Too cute!
She is so cute! That little lip made me go awwwww. And I'm totally trying to convince Tim that he can baby wear because Brandon is doing it. Haha.
Aw, so cute! You're a natural!
obsessed with each and every single picture of avery. keep 'em comin you precious little momma, you :)
p.s. your nursing post was incredible, so well written and honest!
Precious!! I love that Brandon wears her around the house. I am hoping Joel takes the initiative on that one too :) And she is seriously the most beautiful little girl, i love the pictures of her bottom lip curling, adorable!!
She so sweet - I love that little lip too! Sounds like you guys are starting to get into a perfect routine :)
Oh my gosh, that face!!! Love them all, especially the post bath photo! <3
oh dear heavens that sad little lip! I think my heart broke a little! You should totally frame that picture of her and your dad, it's too sweet!
She is so beautiful :)
The Hartungs Blog
Oh me oh my!!! That lip!! It would get me too! She is just so adorable!!
She's so precious. I want to snuggle with her. :) I love stalking you on IG.
Oh my goodness that is the saddest face in the entire world. She's wonderful.
She has mastered her sad face! Seriously too cute! Our nighttime schedules are pretty much the same. I'd kill for a 7am wakeup instead of 4 or 5!
Aw that little sad face is too cute - our little SJ has it down to a fine art too! Glad to hear that all is going well - well done mommy x
Ooooh the LIP!! Mia does it so well but I haven't really been able to catch it on camera! It is the most precious thing, ha ha!
She is so so SO CUTE!
that sad face photo is so precious!
She's beautiful! When they start smiling when they see you...GAH...best feeling EVER!
wonderful pictures - love the second one!
Omgiosh- she truly has the best expressions that I have ever, ever seen! Precious!
Some Snapshots Blog
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