My name is Brandon, and I am Amira’s husband.
Since Amira first became obsessed with the world of blogging I have been bugging her to let me do a guest post. Finally, after weeks of asking she has relented. There was a catch though. She said the post had to be something whoever all of you out there are would be interested in reading. So into the rubbish bin went my hopes of posting a how-to on gun cleaning, or a do-it-yourself oil change tutorial. {You're welcome ladies. He really did have step-by-step pictures for a gun cleaning tutorial}
Did I say that the catch was that the post had to be something interesting to you readers? That’s true, but she went further. The post has to be about her—specifically, what it’s like to live with her. So here it is...
What it’s like to live with Amira:
Generally, Amira is my perfect match. We compliment each other in so many ways. Where she is anxious, I am calm. Where I am dispassionate, she is sensitive. Where I am a non-planner, she budgets and schedules. Sometimes she complains that we are too different, but I think it is these things that make our lives interesting and allow us to come
alongside and compliment each other. So there is the quick general stuff. Now for specifics.
The Witching Hour
Amira loves scary movies, but sometimes she acts too much like the characters in those movies. Nearly every weeknight around 9:00, often once she has put on her pajamas, Amira pushes her hair in her face, slinks across the room and pesters—no, stalks me like I am the only sane character in a zombie movie. She gets great joy out of doing this to me, and I call it the witching hour. For those of you who don’t know, the witching hour is the time of day when supernatural beings are supposed to be the most active and powerful; I think 3:00 am is the general consensus. Amira’s witching hour is much earlier. If she has any adventure in her, she’ll post a picture of what she looks like when the witching hour begins to take her over so you all can get a visual of what I am describing. {Um, no that won't be happening and he has successfully made me sound like a freak!}
The Dishes
Amira does the dishes pretty often, of course not as often as I do them, but often. {lies!} She has one handicap though. She will never clean the last pan. Inevitably, there is one dirty pan left on the stove that she will not clean. This makes no sense to me when she cleans everything else and even wipes down the counters.
The Moonwalk
We have been married for over a year now, and Amira still tries to keep me from seeing her butt by walking backwards. The more she tries to hide it, the more I try to look =)
The Photographer
Apparently blogging and photography go hand in hand. In a matter of months Amira has
become obsessed with cameras and lenses. We cannot go anywhere, cook anything, eat any
meal, or see a new sight without her taking fifty pictures and inevitably telling me, “Just wait, I gotta get the settings right.”
The Adventurer
Before she discovered blogging my wife’s favorite thing to do was to snuggle up in blankets and watch movies all night. That still might be her favorite thing to do, actually. I will say, though, that this blogging thing has sparked her adventurous side. All of the sudden she’s willing to go camping, so long as she can bring the camera and take as many pictures as she wants. This is true of all sorts of things she had no interest in before. Drive around in the dune buggy? Of course, she can take pictures of the scenery and us in the rear view mirror. Go for a hike? Yup, she’ll take pictures of Lucy running around peeing on everything. Pick up trash on the beach early on a Saturday morning? Absolutely, she’ll set the alarm, get up early and do her makeup so those pictures on the beach will look cute. I think I like this new adventurous spirit, even if she does always have the ulterior motive of doing things just so she can blog about them.
One of My Favorite Things
I could go on and on about the things my wife does and her idiosyncrasies, the things I love and the funny things that bother. But I think this is enough for now. I’ll end by telling what one of my favorite things about Amira is. She would be the first to tell most people that she is easily riled up. One of my favorite things, though, is that as heated as she might get about some event that came her way (or whatever I did to annoy her), she never stays angry. It is a virtue I think husbands all around should envy me for having in her.
Shoot, I didn’t realize this would turn into such a sappy post. Oh well. I hope you got some
interesting bits of info about Amira you can bug her about next time you see her at whatever blog event you all are attending.
I love you Shushi.
So cute. Thanks for this. xoxo
um i wanna see this witching hour pic pronto! but make sure the settings are right first.
great post.
I love that you hide your butt! so cute.
Brandon and Jesse both use the word, "rubbish". We need to get these boys together. Not just for that reason, but because they would have so much gin bitching about our blogging obsessions When we started our blog Jesse would blog just as much as me. Unfortunately he has been on an extended blogcation for the past several months.
love this!! :)
This is TOO cute!! Love how he breaks it down in sections... very nicely organized love thoughts!!
You have GOTS to show us your moon walk ;)
That's adorable and hilarious! I'm pretty sure my boyfriend would say the exact same thing under 'The Adventurer' part. I'm up for anything, but I better have a camera with me! haha.
So cute!
Oh my goodness this is cute stuff, Amira you need to print this post out and put it in your crush box! I love hearing the little things, like you won't clean the last pan and the moonwalk. SO happy the husband made an appearance!
So cute! I love that he was begging to do a guest post! I had to beg my husband! And Amira!! You are silly about him not seeing your butt!
Goodness, ya'll are a cute couple. You really seem to complement each other! Not to mention the fact that your babies will be adorable.. ;o)
PLEASE can we see the witching hour picture? Pretty please??
What a fantastic post! Inside looks at peoples' relationships are so fun - especially from the husband point of view! Thank him for us :)
hahah this is SO cute! I love it! it's funny the little things like this between a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife :)
hope you both have a great weekend!
love the butt hiding. i have many a friend doing the same thing. hilarious.
So incredibly sweet!
this is SO sweet!!!
What a cute post! And I think my boyfriend would write the same about photography and me. :D
What a cute post. I say he's a keeper :)
I LOVED everything about this post! My moon walk looks more like me running around covering my butt… I live with a perve!! Lol
Oh goodness. This was almost too much. Brandon how awesome can you get?! :D
I love the moonwalk, the witching hour, and the dishes thing (lol! I do that too!) but my favorite was your reaction to the 'taking pictures of everything/willing to do anything for the blog'.
I think you are a great blogger husband. Amira, do you appreciate him fully?? :P
This is GOLD!! What a great post (and hey, maybe that gun cleaning post will come in handy one day?? Maybe?)!! I loved every part of it. The fact that you have a witching hour, walk backwards so he can't see your bottom, and are a true genuine blogger and person. :) Love it!
This was just the best. Loved reading!
I die, I just die. This might be the sweetest post ever =)
This is so sweet. I think most of us have to pester our HUSBANDS to write posts!
I agree - I think blogging has made me more adventurous, too. I'm willing to try just about anything as long as I can write a post about it.
Absolutely adorable. Sounds like love to me ;)
:O I want to marry you BOTH. Not individually, but as a whole. Like AmiraBrandon + me. Forever and ever. In a non creepy, utterly normal way of course.
I also feel that Brandon should write more posts and that I would actually not be against a gun tutorial post seeing as guns are strictly forbode in the land of Roos!
Go Team AmiraBrandon! X
This is awesome! Such a sweet idea for your husband to do a guest post (:
Such a cute post! I can relate on the bringing the camera everywhere thing... you just can't miss a photo opp!
This was so flipping GREAT! I loved it! Although I adored getting to know you through your hubby, a gun cleaning tutorial is awesome! Maybe I need to follow a man blog too! I think a lot of people leave 1 dirty pan... I know I do sometimes and I KNOW my Fiance does. Anyway this was awesome!
hahah...i love this. And it makes me, even more, see how similar we are.
Gosh Darn, woman. When shall I see you?
This is one of the funniest, sweetest things I've read! I loved it!
Seriously lady - you have the second best husband EVER! After mine of course. I loved this so much. I am going to make Steve read it and then make him follow suit. We should just start a commune.
I love that your husband posted! So cool! ^_^
Amazing post. So cute. What a sweet guy you have!
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