There is something about 30 that looms in the back of every twenty-somethings' mind. I suppose it's all of the expectations and assumptions about where you will be by a certain point in your life. I loved the idea of making a list of 30 things I would like to have accomplished by the time I'm 30 years old. I'm hoping it will make the road to 30 a little less scary and a lot more fun.
In no particular order...
1. Learn to French braid
2. Graduate with my Master's degree
3. Make one new recipe a week
{homeless shelter, meals on wheels, soup kitchen}
5. Take a weekly yoga class
6. Make a little Gray
7. Write a children's book
8. Pay off at least half of our student loan debt {gulp}
9. Learn to sew and/or crochet.
10. Continue to grow my blog
11. Keep a plant alive {eh, who am I kidding.}
12. Judge less, love more
13. Congratulate my husband on an amazing job offer
14. Go to at least two Charger games
15. Continue to strengthen our marriage daily
{date nights, communication, laughter, forgiveness}
16. Try one new restaurant a month
17. Walk in a marathon of some sort
18. Travel {Greece, Scotland, Italy}
19. Pay for the meal of the person in line behind me
20. Acquire a taste for wine {I still have child's taste buds!}
21. Have family pictures taken
22. Watch all of the Harry Potter movies
{gotta understand what the hype is all about}
23. Take a course in Photoshop
24. Win a Blog Award
25. Beat Brandon in chess
26. Read at least three literary classics that I haven't yet
27. Give up soda
28. Host a friend's bridal or baby shower
29. Get a promotion at work
30. Buy all new furniture for our family room
{couches, end table, coffee table, etc}
1.5 year to go...

I love this! We share a lot of the same goals! I want to have a baby Hart, pick back up my sewing machine, I've been attempting 1 new pinterest recipe a week and hopefully doing more travel! I should write these down too!
You did it! You have inspired me as well! I have to tell you I am in love with 6,7,15,20 and 28 (maybe it could me mine?) love you so much. Cannot wait to cross things off together!
Kel, you were MY final inspiration with your list! And of course, I wouldn't expect my "soul sister" not to share almost all of these things with me hahaha. xo.
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