I arrived home from work last week to see a big box with the words Theit
printed on the outside of it sitting on our porch.
printed on the outside of it sitting on our porch.
I think I cheered out loud. I couldn't tear the box open fast enough.
I've lusted after this camera bag since lucky Meg won one at the So Cal blogger meet-up a couple of months ago.
I ordered it in Retro Brown which was on backorder for four, very long weeks.
The amazing thing about this camera bag is that it looks like a purse. Well, actually it doubles as a purse. There's even room inside for your wallet, phone, keys, etc. But there are also adjustable compartments made of the softest material for your camera and lenses.
While it isn't exactly the most inexpensive bag, there will be no more carting my big purse around AND my ugly camera bag AND having to choose which lens I really want to bring because I don't have anywhere to put a second one.

i LOVE this bag!!! love the color. its perfect for spring/summer/fall/winter. really, it's just all around lovely.
xx jes
So pretty.. I love it!
It's gorgeous! I'm definitely jealous of this bag!
I have had my eye on one of those bags for a few months now. The pictures of yours makes me want to go buy it right now.....hmmm :)
That's beautiful! I've had my eye on one as well. Have fun using it!
The Mrs. and The Momma
Oh my gosh, that bag is gorgeous. I didn't even realize it was a camera bag...haha. I need one asap.
I want one so bad! Not only do I need a camera bag but I need a purse lol. I'm having to resort to a college reusable bag to carry everything around :S The bright blue isn't doing much for my outfits lately. Enjoy it lucky girl!! :)
That's gorgeous!! Now all I need is a camera to put in it... :)
i love your new bag! so gorgeous.
Uhmmm I have my eyes on that too! Dang, just have to push a few more pennies together :) I feel the same way! I never take my camera anywhere, because 1. I don't even have a camera bag, and 2. My make shift bag doesn't even hold my my camera and 2 lenses. Fail Fail.
Also, I really adored your Q & A's on TJ's blog, she is right. How are you so perfect, lol?
Adorable! definitely a worthwhile purchase. you will love it!
Its so pretty--much better looking than my ugly camera bag.
Oh my... I need one! I love it! I tend to just throw my camera and lenses in my big purse. I need to learn to be more careful...
i'm just jealous, that is all...
and this color is AMAZING!!! oh my goodness..
LOVE it!! lucky girl. xo
I wannnnttt one sooo bad. It's been sitting on my Amazon Wish List for months!
Maybe I should just finally take the plunge and buy it. Then it'll force me to actually USE my big girl camera instead of seeing it sitting in my room...too afraid to touch it :(
Oh my gosh. Love it!! Our camera bag isn't necessarily ugly...but it definitely makes me look like a mom lol.
Yes, yes, yes! Congrats on your new bag! I have the saaaaaaame one in the saaaaaaame color! :)
JEALS!! I have been coveting that EXACT bag for months.. Congrats!!
this is a CAMERA bag?!?!?!? wow...I am drooling over it...
Very cute bag!
Oh my gosh I love this bag it's the cutest!!! xo
So awesome! I want one so bad! Congrats : )
Oh my. Cute!
Isn't it the most wonderful thing.. ever?!
I have been stalking the Canada Post tracking for mine. All of their colors are backordered. I'm going on almost a month of waiting!!! le sigh!!! i can't wait to be excited... even though I already am. :]
Love it! I use a Kelly Moore bag for my purse/camera. I don't know what I would do without it! So glad people finally decided to start making these camera/purse bags! =)
oh goodness gracious! I have been coveting a bag from Theit for SO long! I am suuuper jealous right now! That bag is a beauty!!
It's only so awesome and beautiful because it's Canadian. We don't mess around!
p.s. I am jealous.
This is truly a thing of beauty. Do want.
Don't you just love packages on your doorstep. Super cute bag, I just need a camera now!
Oh la la. I love this! Congrats on your new purchase. :)
I've been eyeing this bag for the longest time!!!! I have a feeling it's totally worth the money. Enjoy it!!!!!
That bag is amazing!! Been looking for a bag that could double as a purse... that one looks so perfect!
Forever Fashionably Late
Oh my GOSH Amira!! I ordered that exact bag and it's coming any day now!! Mine was back ordered too. I'm soooo freakin excited now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- Can you tell?!
I love love love this bag. I've seen it a few places and really want to get one. I love the color you picked!
OH MY GOSH. This is beautiful! :) I think I need this!
I have been lusting over this EXACT bag (same color and everything) for a while now. I have an Epiphanie bag (Clover) and it's awesome because it holds my large camera body, extra lenses, flashes, accessories, laptop, wallet, keys, phone, lip gloss ... you get the picture. But since it holds all that stuff it's also HUGE. i want something more manageable for everyday and this little lady is the one I've been loving. You lucky girl!!
love it love it love it!! i am bringing my bag camera with a legitimate blogger camera no that dinky little one you saw at the meet-up!! i love your bag, now we are bag twinsies!
oops amira for some reason my comment was anonymous but i made that comment above, it was me meg
The bag is beautiful! Totally worth the cost. Most camera bags are butt ugly so you've definitely picked a winner. I should start using my camera more often to justify buying one as well (and to take good photos too, I suppose, whatever).
I love everything about this!!! How beautiful!
ohhhhh she's a beauty!
Hey Amira! Question for you :) I see your purse was back ordered for four weeks. Did they say four weeks when you ordered it? I just ordered one yesterday and it's back ordered for 2-3 weeks. I'm hoping it comes before my honeymoon :S Did they let you know when it had been shipped?
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